The Lesser-Known Impact of Covid

Just when you thought it was safe to go out again...

It was February 2020, I’d set my heart and mind on taking the leap to being a full-time Voice Over Artist, I’d ordered my new business cards, and had decided that this was the year I was going to grab the bull by the horns and actually go to some in-person Expos and Networking events.

Then, Lockdown happened.

Fast forward 20 months, and I’m still in the same position (where in-person networking is concerned). I went along to two VO conferences just in the past couple of months, which were great and definitely helped to boost my confidence going back into large social situations since the pandemic started - but they were both quite limited in numbers compared to many of the BIG London expos, that advertise having around 5,000 attendees.

I had signed up for two business expos in London (one this week and one next week), but with COVID cases still quite high - especially compared to this time last year, and the fact that I’ve not been feeling tip-top for the past 2 months (getting all the bugs from my son’s preschool), I’ve at the last minute decided not to attend.

Perhaps the thing that pushed me over the edge was the fact that London’s terror alert has been raised to ‘severe’ (which apparently means an attack is highly likely).

Birds eye view of crowd of about 50 people at a conference event

I do get FOMO, so I have to just remind myself that it’s cold outside, and while I’m at home, plugging away at my own marketing, I’m not risking getting ill or passing anything else onto others (which is still very much a risk), and that these events will be back again next year, when hopefully the world will have calmed down a bit.

Everything crossed!


Thinking of getting into VO?


Bring on VOX 2021!