Voice Actor Tips: Be A DELIGHT To Work With!

They’ll remember you for it!

I read so many articles, Social Media posts, and see countless courses and videos promoting the technical and performance aspects of being a Voice Over Artist/ Voice Actor, but still so little on the business side of things, which strikes me as odd…

cream background with bold white text in the centre: 'Be a delight to work with, they'll remember you for it"

A lot of people (us VOs included) sometimes forget that as much as we would probably get out of bed and do this job for free, it is first and foremost a business. A big part of that is client retention. Therefore we need to remember that one of the most important jobs we can do is keep our clients happy.

A new client (that I’ve yet to work with, this was set to be our first VO project together) called me this morning an hour before our booked session was due to start. Due to some issues at the end clients end, we would need to reschedule our session for tomorrow. She seemed shocked and pleasantly surprised that I was more than happy to accommodate the request and was super grateful for my flexibility and understanding.

I’m quite used to last minute changes/ cancellations/ script amends, you name it - and in this game you’ve got to be flexible and adaptable. So now I’ve left a great first impression with a new client (who I’m yet to work with), before even stepping in the booth.

The way I see it, your reputation (based on professionalism, attitude, and whether you’re easy/ a joy to work with or not), can be the difference between turning a one-time client into a repeat one or not.

I’d love to know what you think about this, feel free to comment below.


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